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Accompanying Little Rose Foundation to provide free medical examination and treatment for poor people


Nguyen Hoang Group accompanied Little Rose Foundation to organize free medical examination and treatment programs in the 4th Quarter of 2023 in Kien Giang and Ho Chi Minh City. The program brings hope and medical care to thousands of disadvantaged people, including the poor, ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, and orphans. This activity helps them access necessary medical services and brings love and sharing from the community.

LRFxNHG khám chữa bệnh


On October 29, 2023, in Thach Hoa commune, Giong Rieng district, Kien Giang province, Little Rose Foundation coordinated with Kinh 7 Humanitarian Clinic to bring “hope” to 249 people in difficult circumstances by organizing free medical examination and treatment and distributing medicine. On this occasion, 100 nutritional gift packages were given to poor households. The people here, most of whom make a living by catching crabs and snails, struggle daily with life without paying much attention to their health. They live in fear of illness but do not have the means to go for examination and treatment, and some others face increasingly serious illnesses due to harsh living environments and do not know what to do.

 Ms. N.T.L, 37 years old, from a household in difficult circumstances in Giong Rieng district, Kien Giang province, said: "I'm afraid of diabetes, but I don't have money to go see a doctor. The opportunity to receive a free medical examination like this is very valuable. Normally, we worry about going to work and caring for the children. When the pain is too much to bear, we go to the doctor every time, which is very expensive..."

LRFxNHG khám chữa bệnh


Following the success of phase 1, on December 10, 2023, Little Rose Foundation continued its mission of love with Kinh 7 Humanitarian Clinic to Phu Loi commune, Giang Thanh district, Kien Giang province. Here, 297 Khmer ethnic people were examined, treated, and given free medicine. Nutritional gifts were also given to 100 households in difficult circumstances. People in this region face many difficulties in accessing high-quality medical services. They did not know what disease they had and did not receive timely treatment, causing their illness to get worse. Besides, the language barrier increases the difficulty of communicating with medical staff.

At the end of 2023, at VStar school, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City, Little Rose Fund coordinated with Ho Chi Minh City Sponsoring Association for Disabled People and Orphans to provide free medical examinations, distributed medicine, and gave gifts to 2,098 people with disabilities, orphans, poor people, people in difficult circumstances and lonely elderly people. This program allows them to access full medical services such as general examination, eye examination, dental and musculoskeletal examination, chest and heart X-rays, ultrasound, electrocardiogram, and gynecological examination. After being examined, each participant also received free prescription medicine and warm Christmas gifts from the Organizing Committee.

LRFxNHG khám chữa bệnh


For NHG and Little Rose Foundation, these meaningful activities bring health, hope, and warm love, helping them feel the care and sharing from the community.

 Little Roses Foundation

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