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Little Rose Foundation: from gratitude for receiving to the journey of being ready to give


Understanding that helping society's disadvantaged requires more than a spirit of compassion; it also requires knowledge and skills to have appropriate ways of doing things. Little Rose Foundation has awarded scholarships to individuals who dare to overcome their circumstances and embark on a long-term journey of serving the community.

From 2023-2027, the “Bông Hồng nhỏ Phục vụ” Scholarship has sponsored a continuous tuition package for four years for the university system and three years for the college system, with support not exceeding VND50 million/academic year. Scholarships not only benefit recipients but also gather human resources who are and will be working in care, health development, and education programs for disadvantaged communities in society.

Continue writing the dream of going to university

Every morning during the week, Nguyen Thi Kieu, a fourth-year nursing student at Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy, struggles to prepare goods and sells rice in front of the elementary school gate. After finishing, she goes to the lecture hall to get to class on time.

Each month, this job helps Kieu earn about VND1 million. Combined with the money she spent cleaning the office 3 times a week, more than VND2 million is the entire income that Kieu is forced to calculate and spend within the month.

“For the past 3 years, my life has turned to a new page since going to college. I work part-time to cover all my living expenses, and luckily, a generous couple lent me money for tuition with an interest rate of 0 VND," Kieu said.

Quỹ từ thiện Bông hồng nhỏ: Từ lòng biết ơn vì được nhận đến hành trình sẵn sàng cho đi ảnh 1

Free class of "teacher" Nguyen Thi Kieu at Hoa Hong Social Protection Facility (Cu Chi district, Ho Chi Minh City).

No one would have expected that since she was a child of about 6-7 years old, Kieu had accepted to leave her parents and move from Phu Tho to Ho Chi Minh City to go to school. Kieu's family struggled; her mother was constantly sick, and her father worked as a carpenter to raise all five siblings.

“I was still very young at that time, so I didn't know much. I remember when my parents asked me if I wanted to go to Saigon to go to school; I nodded quickly. All my brothers and sisters were afraid to go to the shelter that day. But if no one is willing to go, someone in my family will have to drop out of school," Kieu emotionally recounted.

It's so difficult, but she travels more than 30km by motorbike from the center of HCMC to the Cu Chi district every weekend to teach children at the Hoa Hong Social Protection Facility. This is also the place that raised Kieu and sent her to school for more than 10 years.

"In 2023, there are 31 students receiving scholarships. Most are studying medicine and nursing, social sciences, and other fields. Our initial results have helped students pay tuition and have more time and motivation to focus on developing knowledge. It is expected that the total value of scholarships from 2023-2027 that the foundation will award is VND6.2 billion”, said Deputy Director LRF Truong Nguyen Bao Tran.

Living in a shelter for many years and coming into contact with many lives that have lacked love since childhood, Kieu understands that orphans need care and protection more than anyone else. Kieu became a teacher who accompanied and shared spiritually and helped the children study.

Feeling Nguyen Thi Kieu's heart and will to rise, Deputy Director of Little Rose Foundation Truong Nguyen Bao Tran shared that those who meet and listen to Kieu's story will see her remarkable inner strength. Even though she has a difficult situation, she always thinks positively, humbly, and compassionately.

“Kieu is just one of many cases helped by the Little Rose Foundation. In 2023, 31 students will receive scholarships. Most are studying medicine and nursing, social sciences, and other fields. Our Initial results have helped students pay tuition and have more time and motivation to focus on developing knowledge. It is expected that the total value of scholarships from 2023-2027 that the fund will award is VND6.2 billion," Ms. Truong Nguyen Bao Tran added.

Quỹ từ thiện Bông hồng nhỏ: Từ lòng biết ơn vì được nhận đến hành trình sẵn sàng cho đi ảnh 2

At the 2023 award ceremony for the “Bông Hồng Nhỏ Phục vụ” scholarship, Nguyen Thi Kieu expressed her gratitude for LRF's help. From now on, Kieu will not need to borrow money to pay tuition and can focus all her efforts on her final university years.

Choosing a small rose as its symbol, the foundation focuses on love, integrity, respect, and devotion. The awarding of scholarships aims to honor individuals who dedicate their time and effort unselfishly to serving poor patients, orphans, people with late-stage AIDS, leprosy patients, difficult cases in remote areas, etc.

“When I learned that I received the Little Rose scholarship, I breathed a sigh of relief because from now on, I will no longer need to borrow money to pay tuition. I always tell my friends at Hoa Hong Social Protection Facility that if we persevere with our studies, we will find a brighter and more open path. And each person will have the opportunity to change their own future and help people in the same situation," Nguyen Thi Kieu confided.

No one receives but has nothing to give

Nurturing charitable hearts, the Little Rose scholarship also strongly spreads the message that no one receives but has nothing to give. Accordingly, scholarship beneficiaries must commit to serving the community for at least two years at social protection centers, religious organizations, non-governmental organizations, non-profit organizations, etc.

While selecting suitable individuals for the project, the Little Rose Foundation found many special cases. They all use the goal of contributing and helping others as their motivation to improve themselves. Without committing to serving society for two years, they are willing to devote their entire lives to volunteer work and supporting the vulnerable.

“When establishing the foundation, we always put the top mission of supporting destitute and miserable lives. But in reality, there are too many people with difficulty, and with limited resources, the foundation cannot help everyone. Therefore, instead of accepting each case, the foundation has the initiative to build a group of people with the spirit of serving the community, helping them have the best qualifications so that after graduation, they can continue that journey." Ms. Truong Nguyen Bao Tran shared the idea of building scholarships.

With this way of operating, the network to help vulnerable people will grow stronger, possessing human resources with sufficient knowledge and skills at the university level to solve essential problems professionally.

While selecting suitable individuals for the project, the Little Rose Foundation found many special cases. They all use the goal of contributing and helping others as their motivation to improve themselves. Without committing to serving society for two years, they are willing to devote their entire lives to volunteer work and supporting the vulnerable.

Quỹ từ thiện Bông hồng nhỏ: Từ lòng biết ơn vì được nhận đến hành trình sẵn sàng cho đi ảnh 3

The “Bông Hồng Nhỏ Phục vụ” scholarship has rekindled hope, supporting many students in difficult circumstances to continue their university studies.

Pham Thi Thu Hien is a fifth-year student at Nguyen Tat Thanh University. Hien grew up in Tuy Hoa leprosy camp, Binh Dinh province. Unfortunately, both my grandparents and parents suffered from this disease. My parents have a mild illness, so they can still fish and grow vegetables to make a living.

“In my village, there are many people with leprosy. I witnessed their extreme physical and mental pain, so I was determined to pursue a medical career so that in the future, I could return to the village, treat, and care for those patients," Thu Hien confided.

Hien is the 4th person in the Tuy Hoa leprosy camp to study medicine. Even though she knew the journey to this profession would be arduous, she never stopped trying. Hien studies not only for herself but also for her family. She also studies because she wants to give the children in the leprosy camp more confidence that the children and grandchildren of people with leprosy can still go to college, work a job like other normal people, and hope for a better future.

Quỹ từ thiện Bông hồng nhỏ: Từ lòng biết ơn vì được nhận đến hành trình sẵn sàng cho đi ảnh 4

The “Bông Hồng Nhỏ Phục vụ” scholarship has opened opportunities for individuals who dare to overcome their own circumstances and embark on a long-term journey of serving the community.

That is also the story of Nguyen Van Dat, a blind person determined to become a rehabilitation specialist. After finishing the training program at Pasteur College of Medicine and Pharmacy, Dat continued to study physical therapy and rehabilitation at Hong Bang International University.

With eyesight at 2/10 and only able to see within 1.5 meters, Dat struggled to overcome his shortcomings and find ways to do things that suited his abilities. He said that he wants to be recognized by everyone, that studying medicine for blind people is not a myth or fantasy, and that as long as they have a goal and strive to pursue it, they can do it.

Previously, when they had not received scholarships, both Hien and Dat's hometown families had to save money to pay for their children's education. The Little Rose Foundation has given students the opportunity and confidence to continue realizing their dream of attending university and supporting those in need.

“I am willing to serve 2 years, 5 years, or any number of years serving social work. We have received so much help that we also want to become part of the team helping the disadvantaged in society," Van Dat added.

Little Roses Foundation

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