JA Worldwide Specialists ignites The “Start-up” Flame for SNA Students
About 200 students from SNA have recently attended an inspirational talk with Director of Exxon Mobil, USA – JA Worldwide training specialist in the afternoon of March 2nd.

The workshop named “Future Leaders” took place at School of North America – SNA (Him Lam Campus, Binh Chanh District, HCMC.) At the event, Bryce Huschka emphasized that the key factor to successful start-up is to have a different mindset. This is what has helped him gain many achievements during 11 years working at the world’s largest international oil and gas company, where he switched from an engineer to a business consultant, and now a regional director.
Another speaker of the workshop was Lauren Huschka with 7 years working at the legislature, serving the campaigns of the USA President. She also shared lessons about the differences. Particularly Steve Jobs who already used the touch screen while many people were with the keyboard; or a group of American students that created Snapchat to make it more accessible to people. Keep up with technology trends will bring the youths opportunities when start up.
As stated by Lauren Huschka, start-up needs passion. Working with enthusiasm and determination to conquer difficulties, the youths will find their own way in the integration environment. It was the passion that drove Bryce Huschaka to establish his education company.

Practical experience shared by the two speakers have strongly inspired hundreds of students. The workshop was very exciting with questions and answers. According to Nguyen Dinh Khoa (class 9D2), it was a helpful workshop that made him recognize his real need of early career orientation.
As Bryce Huschka stressed, young generations need to be fully equipped with knowledge and skills in the age of technology. When smart technology equipment is replacing humans, knowledge and skills help the youths to master their future.
Knowledge foundation of finance, business and start-up create positive impacts on the youths’ mindset, approach and deployment of their start-up.

Teaching students ways to adapt well to the open environment is also a target of Nguyen Hoang Group. NHG has cooperated with Junior Achievement Vietnam (JA Vietnam) to run “Young Entrepreneurs Formation” project, offering JA certificate courses for Kindergarten to Upper Secondary systems including: Saigon Academy International Kindergarten System (SGA), iSchool International Integrated System (iSchool), UK Academy International Bilingual System, Schools of North America (SNA). Each course equips students with knowledge of the 3 major fields: Financial thinking, Career orientation and Start-up.