Dreams inspired from the international boarding environment
In May 2019, the boarding area in the International Education City – IEC Quang Ngai will officially come into operation, welcoming the very first global citizens to study, live and grow up.

Comprehensive training
Learning in the boarding environment is a solid investment for children’s future by training independence and life skills. In the International Education City – IEC Quang Ngai, the boarding area is designed particularly for many ways of living, learning and playing, etc. suitable with the gender and age of each student.
Living there, in addition to having classes, students can participate in extra-curriculum activities, clubs, sports, performing arts and laboring, etc. following a justifiable timetable. These activities help students to train living skills and develop comprehensively “5H”, including: head, heart, hand, health and human.

Nourishing peronalities
In spite of forbiding students from doing things following the strict regulations, the boarding environment in IEC – Quang Ngai encourages them to do good things and spread positive actions.
“Boarding students in IEC – Quang Ngai know to respect their teachers and supporting staff, love their friends, have self-discipline, work in group, able to listen and communicate, practice discipline, manage their freetime, have self-aware of the value of themselves and their roles in school, family and society” – shared by Ms. Pham Thi Bich Ha, specialist of living values and skills, Academic department of NHG.
Living conveniences
In preparation of welcoming 900 students from grade 1 to grade 12 to the boarding house in IEC – Quang Ngai in 2019-2020 academic year, NHG invested in the convenient and safe living environment for students. Many utilities such as laundry room, snack room, canteen, common room, etc. are arranged in a comfortable way, creating a feeling like living at home.

In each room, students have separated studying corners, common space and especially it has a support teacher living in the room, who is also a brother and a friend. Boarding staff is carefully selected and trained, has professional certificates to understand the phisiology of students, do companion education, respect and always accompany students in many activities.
On January 12th, NHG held a workshop named “International boarding learning in the International Education City – IEC Quảng Ngãi” in Danang city. At the event, there were the representatives of NHG: Dr. Pham Van Hung – Managing Director of IEC Quang Ngai and Dr. Do Manh Cuong – Permanent Member of NHG Education Council, sharing about the wonderful boarding environment in IEC Quang Ngai.

Epecially, by the participation of Ms. Phan Ho Diep – mother of Do-Nhat-Nam-the-prodigy, the parents and students can know more about the benefits that the international boarding environment in IEC Quang Ngai for their children’s comprehensive development.