Together, students from 4-12 years old in HCM City have learnt the role of leader, management and group working skills to be a CEO.
This is a program in the series of activities held by the International School of North America – SNA (HCMC) recently named “CEO Kids – Little Businessmen Day 2018”. During the first training session on July 21st, students were introduced to leadership roles and abilities, such as confidence, humor, management skill, tasks dividing skill …
In order to play group activities, students had to find enough 11 members for their team. The members would be assigned into different roles, including: president, vice president, business, finance, human resource, production.

The president managed the team in general, each division has 2 members taking different tasks. The roles of business staff were displaying and having ideas for showcase booth decoration. Two finance members managed investment money and purchase goods. Human resource took responsibilities of team management and customers services. Production decorated and displayed products.

After being introduced to the role of each team member, they were excited to meet new friends to recruit members for the team. This is the first step for them to learn how to set up an organization, run a business, sell products in the next training sessions.
Although it was the first training session for the show, they figured out image of the goods they intended to sale. Many teams chose popular and favorable things, such as: toys, comic books, fast-food, souvenir gifts, drink … Under the guide of Organization, students knew their potential customers would be parents and students joining “Fair of Angels” day on August 11th.
Many young children only from 5-6 years old were very confident, pioneered to show leadership in the team. Just more than 5 years old, An Nhien run for leader by himself. Bao Duy (7 years old) said: “I can lead my brother, my friends because I know dividing tasks”.

Following the exciting activities of the program, on July 28th, little leaders will continue to be trained recruitment and engagement skills. Skills to build sales and marketing plan to attract investment money will be on August 04th, promising to be a helpful program for children. They will be instructed directly by experienced speakers.
Each team will receive an amount of 3 million dongs for investment on business activities. This money will help children to have the expenses to sale products in the “Fair of Angels” on August 11th. The winner will be the team can persuade many customers to buy their products and earn the highest revenue.

Ms. Nguyen Thu Huong – Director of Nam Huong Communications and Investment, Chairman of Women Leaders International Networking – said that “little businessmen” is a helpful playground for children from 4-12 years old to know the roles of a leader, show their team spirit, enhance persuading skill, respect labor works. Through years, she watched many children joining the program to express their agility, to know how to introduce and sell products.