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NHG implementing “project-based learning” summer programs


The English Department, under NHG’s Academic Board organized 2017 summer program training, as requested by the Board of Administrators and faculty on English teaching regulations, on May 16th (SGA) and May 29th (iSchool, UKA).
Accordingly, this summer each school will select one or two locally appropriate projects (each lasting 2 to 3 weeks) in seven areas comprising Music, Drama, Fashion, Environment, English Speaking Contest, Spelling Bee, and an International Cuisine Project. Projects for learners to develop Life skills include leadership skills, goal setting, planning, organization, information seeking, teamwork, problem solving; and to nurture life values include respect, cooperation, responsibility, sharing, caring and other kinds of morals.

International teachers of NHG excited about 7 summer projects of 2017.
International teachers of NHG excited about 7 summer projects of 2017.

Students participating in these projects can at the same time practice their English skills in a variety of contexts, public presentation skills, potential talents development (acting, fashion design and catwalk), pronunciation, expressive reading, storytelling and more. Students play a central role and take initiative in project organization, while teachers guide, accompany, observe and advise to help students fully develop their potential and creativity in favor of rewarding summer experiences.
At the training sessions, with the guidance of Mr. Huynh Duc Nguyen - English Department Head and executives, 120 English language instructors of the three systems were given detailed guidelines on lesson plans, roles of teachers, use of relevant video clips, project components, reading assignments, lecturing skills, implementing project assessments, and ways to assess student presentations. Teachers showed creative skills in teaching when designing their own games and tools for each project at the training sessions.
From 2017-2018 academic year, NHG conducts the English program management at the group level, and this is also the first year for SGA, iSchool and UKA to carry out the summer program with 7 joint projects for the entire system.