Employees of Vietcombank Quang Ngai excited with IEC - International Education City
Following the success of the business tour named “Investment opportunities for the future”, Nguyen Hoang Group (NHG) held an event at Vietcombank Quang Ngai to introduce the International Education City - IEC Quang Ngai.
The program introduces parents to a quality, advanced learning environment, where they train global citizens who are capable, loving, dynamic and confident. IEC Quang Ngai is belived to be the place turning the dreams of parents and children into reality.

At the beginning of the program, Mr. Nguyen Hong Chung, Deputy Director of Vietcombank Quang Ngai delivered a speech: “People in Quang Ngai have a very high sense of education for their children. Therefore, they have been investing in their children's learning in the top quality education cities across the country. IEC Quang Ngai is a great opportunity for parents to send their children to study in an international environment with a reasonable cost. I believe that commitments and activities of IEC recently have captured the hearts and beliefs of parents here.”

Not only the board of directors, but also the parents of Vietcombank Quang Ngai have expressed their hope for a true international education city.
Ms. Nguyen Le Hoang Phuong – employee of Vietcombank Quang Ngai, who is one of the first subscribers touchingly shared: “I currently have 2 children so I am very interested in education news. I learned about IEC from the very beginning in 2017 until now. The more I understand about IEC, the more I feel secure about the quality of teaching and learning here. The philosophy that schools in IEC aim at is also what I want for my children. As a mother, I always look forward to the best for my children and I belive that IEC is the place to nurture our dreams.”

At the business tour, representatives of IEC answered all questions from parents about training programs, learning and living environment, etc. At the same time, they also listened to the the thoughts and aspirations of parents so that parents can be assured to send their children to the school. This is a good signal for IEC Quang Ngai in particular and for NHG in general to be more confident, promoting the role of bringing international education to everyone.