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Support and inspriration

In line with the trend of globalization and the need for integration and development, NHG is constantly striving to bring about an international standard environment with internationally recognized education systems and programs.

Those are the strong but realistic commitments which underlie our pioneering innovation efforts. However, it will be more objective to let people learn about our efforts through the lens of "observers".

Minister Phung Xuan Nha
Minister Of Education And Training

The Ministry of Education and Training strongly welcomes and encourages investors who have enough aspiration, talent and resources to work side by side with government in the cause for a better, renewed education system which will improve the quality of Vietnam's education and raise its level up to par with advanced regional and international education.

Nguyen Hoang Group has been one of the investors who shows their full dedication to education through a closed-ended system. Throughout all the visits and working trips to NHG’s different educational campuses, the Ministry of Education highly appreciated the professionalism and seriousness of the Group.”

Speech delivered by Mr. Phung Xuan Nha during the visit and working trip at BVU on March 14, 2017

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Phan Thanh Binh
Member of the Party Central Committee, member of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly, Chairman of the Committee for Culture, Education, Youth, Adolescents and Children of the National Assembly

“NHG's ideas and methods are quite impressive. I agree with the direction and pledge to support NHG with all I can, especially when NHG brings world-renowned universities to Vietnam, helping Vietnamese students to study abroad right at the country.”
Sharing during the working visit at the NHG Office on May 13th, 2019. 

Prof.Dr. Tran Hong Quan
President of Vietnam Association of Universities and Colleges, former Minister of Education and Training

“In the rapidly changing and highly competitive situation of higher education, universities will need access to a variety of sources to enhance their competitiveness as well as innovation. A global network will empower schools to learn, support each other, work together to influence the entire education industry. I am very impressed with the education system of NHG, plus, IEC is an unique project.”

Sharing at the meeting at the NHG Office on February 23rd, 2020. 

Ms. Marie C. Damour
USA Consulate General in HCMC

“I appreciate the efforts of Nguyen Hoang Group, especially the affiliate program that Hong Bang International University cooperates with the University of Arizona (UA) - Top 100 best universities in the world for many years. Besides, there are practical activities from the beginning of 2020 to support international students in the US to study in Vietnam as well as students in Vietnam who wish to study abroad but cannot go due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic.”

Speaking at the working visit to HIU, July 2020. 

Mr. Dante Brandi
Italy Consulate General in HCMC

“I am impressed with the development orientation of NHG in general as well as Hong Bang International University in particular, especially in the activities of improving the quality of training and developing student exchange training programs between Vietnam and Italy. I believe that the relationship between Hong Bang International University and the universities in Italy will develop more and more, especially the majors related to the strengths of Italy such as Fashion, Architecture and Technology." 

Shared at the working visit at HIU, July 2020. 

Mr. Watanabe Nobuhiro
Japan Consulate General in HCMC

“Hong Bang International University has a large scale and a high level of competency. Before coming to meet and work, I learned about the school, there are two very special things: First, this private school has a strong connection with the US, second, the school's president is Assoc.Prof. Dr. Ho Thanh Phong - famous for being the founder of Industrial Systems Engineering in Vietnam.”

Sharing during the visit and work at HIU in July 2020. 

Mr. Lim Jae-Hoon
Korea Consulate General in HCMC

“With the association program between the Korean Studies department of NHG universities and Korea's universities, I believe we can provide high quality human resources for leading Korean businesses who are investing and operating in Vietnam. At the same time, the Korea Foundation (KF) can introduce good Korean lecturers to NHG universities to serve the purpose of training and teaching.

Shared at the working visit at HIU, July 2020. 

Mr. Anar Imavor
Ambassador of Azerbaijan

“I am very impressed with the strengths of GDU, especially the short training time (3 years) and the application-oriented learning program. This visiting trip will be a bridge, creating a foundation for the next cooperation between GDU and Azerbaijan universities in the future.”

Speaking at the working and visiting trip in GDU, December 23rd, 2020.