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Impressive numbers of Hoa Sen University in 2023


Impressive numbers of Hoa Sen University in 2023


During the past year, a series of learning, experiential, and international student exchange activities were organized, many explosive and majestic playgrounds were organized for students, and thousands of projects, projects, and student awards were held has made its mark, spreading the name of Hoa Sen University (HSU) to more people.

The Lunar New Year is approaching. In these last days of the year, let's review HSU's impressive numbers in the past year.

More than 300 large and small events and activities were organized

Hundreds of workshops, specialized seminars, and talk shows with famous people were organized. The year 2023 also marks colorful experiential activities for Hoa Sen students. For the first time, Color Me Now, Hoa Sen Student Festival - The 1st HSU Students Fest was held on an extremely grand and professional scale, bringing vivid experiences to students.

Hơn 300 sự kiện lớn, nhỏ được HSU tổ chức trong năm 2023

More than 300 large and small events and activities were organized


Expanding to 100 domestic and foreign partners

To enhance the learning experience and provide more internship and work opportunities for students at businesses, Hoa Sen University expands cooperation with more than 50 domestic and international partners, including: 18 leading universities in Taiwan, and foreign businesses (MM Mega Market, HG HOLDINGS Group, Grand Hyatt Hotel (USA), etc.)

At the same time, strengthen working with embassies of other countries such as the French Embassy, ​​Consulate General of India, United Nations Delegation, Victoria University of Wellington, etc.

HSU mở rộng hợp tác với 100 đối tác trong và ngoài nước.

HSU expands cooperation with 100 domestic and foreign partners.

20 major student projects

With the motto of respecting differences, Hoa Sen University always creates conditions for students to develop their personalities and strengths. The university empowers students to be creative, master projects, and organize and produce competitions and events themselves.


More than 20 major student projects such as the I-Hotelier Project, The Future Chef Contest, The Guiding Star, I-Bartender of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Tourism, TVCreate Project, Talented Manager, Administrator Future personnel, HSU Busines Challenge of the Faculty of Management Economics, Techdev CHALLENGE 2023 Contest of the Faculty of Information Technology, mock trial activities, Mental Health Festival of the Faculty of Social Sciences - Law, Competition Searching for young talent HSUNiK... is organized by students themselves, attracting hundreds of students nationwide to participate. Many projects reach millions of views, have 15 years of experience, create resonance, and receive recognition from leading businesses in the industry. 


Hàng loạt đề án lớn của sinh viên HSU được tổ chức trong năm qua.

A series of large projects of HSU students were organized in the past year.

30 awards at city, national, and international levels

2023 sees HSU's talented students shine in many fields, including academics, professions, sports, culture, and arts. More than 30 student awards at city, national, and international levels.

Hàng loạt giải thưởng của sinh viên tại các sân chơi là minh chứng cho chất lượng đào tạo và các hoạt động trải nghiệm phong phú tại HSU.

A series of student awards at playgrounds is a testament to HSU's quality of training and rich experiential activities.

6 majors are accredited by FIBAA (Switzerland) and AUN-QA standards (Southeast Asia)

 The university officially has 3 more majors that have passed FIBAA accreditation from Switzerland and 3 majors that have met AUNQA standards - Association of Southeast Asian Universities. HSU also successfully maintained 5 majors that achieved ACBSP accreditation and NEAS accreditation for the English for International Communication program, bringing the total number of sectors achieving international accreditation to 17 sectors. 

HSU công bố thêm 6 ngành đạt kiểm định FIBAA và AUN-QA

HSU announced 6 more industries achieving FIBAA and AUN-QA accreditation.

Welcoming 4 batches of international students from 10 countries for study exchange

 In the past year, the university welcomed 4 international student groups from 10 countries to exchange studies and cultural exchanges. At the same time, HSU students and lecturers have brought the image of Hoa Sen to 5 continents through international integration programs, study, and work exchanges across countries such as the US, France, Taiwan, and Malaysia... It is an opportunity for international students to access Vietnamese education and culture while spreading the image of dynamic and creative Vietnamese students to friends around the world.

Đón 4 đợt sinh viên quốc tế từ 10 quốc gia đến trao đổi học tập


Nearly 1,700 new graduates

The 40th graduation ceremony of nearly 1,700 graduates was lavishly invested. Of these, nearly 40% achieved good or excellent grades, 94.3% had jobs before graduating, and many HSU students and former students work for foreign companies. Graduation ceremony 40 was also the first time the valedictorians performed the "final talk" ceremony to close four years of youth at Hoa Sen.

Lễ tốt nghiệp lần thứ 40 của gần 1.700 tân cử nhân HSU.

The 40th graduation ceremony of nearly 1,700 new HSU graduates. 


Organizing career guidance programs at 200 high schools

Last year, enrollment activities took place on all fronts. HSU students, lecturers, and staff participate in career guidance at nearly 200 high schools, helping students find suitable majors and learning environments.

Hoạt động hướng nghiệp, tuyển sinh diễn ra trên nhiều mặt trận.

Career guidance and enrollment activities take place on many fronts.


10,000 Tet gifts for students 

On the occasion of the New Year 2024, the university continues giving students more than 10,000 Tet gifts and handwritten cards prepared by lecturers. With the message, "Exchanging values ​​- keeping love alive," the 2024 Tet gift is a gift for students to continue promoting the core values ​​of an HSUer and keep their love for Hoa Sen forever.

10.000 phần quà Tết được trao gửi đến các bạn sinh viên HSU

10,000 Tet gifts were given to HSU students.

The above impressive numbers have closed a perfect year for the Hoa Sen University team. Wishing teachers and students a happy and successful new year 2024.

Hoa Sen Student Center