Singaporean millionaire Adam Khoo to ignite the passion for students in Nguyen Hoang Education System
Adam Khoo, known as the author of “I’m gifted and so are you!” as well as many other bestselling books in the world, and currently one of the 25 wealthiest men under 40 years old of Singapore, has attended an impressive talk show for parents on “What should parents do for the 4.0 industry revolution?” which was organized by Nguyen Hoang Group in the morning of May 6th 2018.

In the talk show, Adam Khoo claimed that every child, every of us has potential to succeed, as stated in his famous book “I’m gifted and so are you”; the point lies in the strategy we choose to be successful. The Singaporean millionaire also shared his own story about how he regained faith and set his life goal when he was a below-average student denied by even 6 high schools in Singapore.

Following that strategic path, Adam Khoo became an excellent student of National University of Singapore, the author of bestselling books since university, a self-made millionaire since 26 years old and is now one of the 25 wealthiest men under 40 of Singapore.
From his own life experiences, Adam Khoo withdraw a formula for success from “faith”. He emphasized that parents need to have faith in their children as it is the origin of all achievements. They need to help them set the right goals, choose the right strategies, and most importantly, take action to constantly get closer to those goals, and never give up.
According to him, the 4.0 industry revolution will be a huge “layoff” machine in human history when machines dramatically replace humans. Passive individuals that lack creativity, work skills and problem-solving skills... will be the first “victims” to be directly hit by this wave and excluded from the inevitable development of the society.
Therefore, parents need to keep up with the latest trends and requirements in the current context to change their mindsets in educating children. Instead of teaching them “what to do”, we teach them “how to do”; the age of textbooks has been replaced by the era of online data searching and analysis. In addition, parents should not lead them, but let them learn to set their own goals and action plans.
At the talk show, Prof. Dr. Thai Ba Can – President of Hong Bang International University said: “I really admire Adam Khoo, a self-made millionaire from a low starting point. I admire him for not keeping the secrets to getting rich to himself, but sharing with and inspiring everybody, especially the youths. I believe the talk today will offer parents helpful lessons in the context of 4.0 industry revolution.”

In the afternoon of the same day, Adam Khoo continued another talk show entitled “Ignite the passion for study with Adam Khoo” with over 500 parents and pupils at SNA. This was also the first time the famous speaker had a talk with Vietnamese pupils. Here again, he stressed the importance of “faith”, setting the goals, choosing the right strategies, patiently taking action and making efforts to get close to the target step by step, as success will come to those who never stop trying.

During this trip to Vietnam for sharing with and inspiring Vietnamese parents and students, Adam Khoo stayed at Sulyna Hotel located in “Ship of Knowledge” Building, Hong Bang International University. This is an international-standard, 5-star Tourism and Hospitality Practice Complex invested by Nguyen Hoang Group so that HIU Tourism students are able to access and work in a practical environment. “I’m very impressed with Sulyna. How amazing it is to have such a 5-star hotel complex in a university for students to experience. They are very lucky to be HIU students.”