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Hong Bang International University operates automatic system that gives gifts to people


On April 25th and 27th, Hong Bang International University gave more than 7 tons of rice and 1,400 gifts to people in HCMC. The event was operated with an automatic system produced by teachers and students in Electronics – Automation.

HIU-BannerHIU organized rice distribution to people due to the Covid-19 epidemic’s effect.

To ensure people’s safety while receiving gifts and rice in order to prevent Covid-19 infection, Hong Bang International University assigned Electronics - Automation faculty to produce automatic system to distribute gifts and rice safely.

Immediately after receiving the request, the school's research team quickly started coming up with ideas and designs and urgently produced in just 7 working days. The team successfully built and operated the automatic rice and gifts distributing system which worked as effective as expected.


People ensured a minimum distance of 2m while lining up.

Following the stories about love, on April 25th and 27th, Hong Bang International University collaborated with People's Committees of ward 15, Binh Thanh district and Hoa Thanh ward, Tan Phu district to organize the distribution of rice and gifts for 1,400 people who had difficulties dealing with Covid-19 pandemic. Accordingly, on April 25th 2020, the school coordinated with the People's Committee of ward 15, Binh Thanh district to give 700 gifts and 5 tons of rice to families in need at 215 Dien Bien Phu, ward 15, Binh Thanh district.


People received gifts at Automatic Rice Distributor - a product of teachers and students from Electronics faculty of Hong Bang International University.

On April 27th, the school coordinated with the People's Committee of Hoa Thanh ward, Tan Phu district to deliver 700 gifts and 5 tons of rice at Dam Sen campus - 120 Hoa Binh, Hoa Thanh ward, Tan Phu district. Each gift includes 5 kg, 1 bottle of cooking oil and 1 bottle of fish sauce worth 110,000 VND, with a total amount of over 190 millions VND. The gifts were donated by officials and lecturers and the support of sponsors.


People's Teacher, Associate Professor, Dr. Ho Thanh Phong - President of Hong Bang International University gives gifts to people of ward 15, Binh Thanh district.

To ensure safety and to prevent Covid-19 infection, the school cooperated with local authorities to ensure security. People coming to receive rice had their body temperature measured, wore gauze mask and washed their hands with instant disinfectant sanitizer before entering the machine to receive rice and gifts. Local security forces supported the school to coordinate people queuing in the drawn line to ensure each person is 2 meters away from each other.